Rent or hire an F150 Lightning EV Truck NOW
WITH a 48hr or 7-day ‘Tesla add-on’ from $1680-USD total!
Rent the F150 Lightning (min 7-days) for $1400 and ‘add-on’ 48HRs in a Tesla CyberTruck for $280 or, rent 7-days in a Tesla Model Y with FSD & 7-days in a CyberTruck for $2480 total.
Here at F150LightingRentals.com our aim is to get more people in to more EVs, the path to achieving this goal as we see it is: ‘buts in seats’ - if you have already taken a test drive in an F150 EV at a dealer, you may only want to rent a Tesla comparison vehicle - if you just want to test out self-driving or FSD, we recommend looking at HERTZ &/or TURO for short Tesla rentals, or, if your need is to test out the Tesla CyberTruck, that is where we can help!
See below for the booking form, we expect cars [CYBERTRUCK] by Q1-2024 (or sooner with a bit of luck) - as you will see from the RN# data below, several of our cars should arrive in the first 50k of Tesla production and we are also aiming to work with other USA owners to help service demand ASAP.
CLICK HERE to join the wait-list for the above offer
F150 Owner? - Click-here to register your car in to our fleet… [Earn more than $2500 per month^]
RIO for F150 and Tesla owners that join our group:
assuming the ‘booking’ is $2480 for 7-days in a Tesla Model Y with FSD and 7-days in a Tesla CyberTruck [non-fsd], if ‘you’ are the ‘car sitter’ for a CyberTruck owned by F150LightningRentals.com and you own the Model Y Tesla, then the split on this booking would be 50%/50% if approved for our ‘core fleet’ [limited spots to be allocated to approved applicants].
For more details on this email us on; millin.b@teslataxi.com.au
The story…
In Q2-2021 we opened ‘https://www.f150lightningrentals.com‘ to start growing a fleet of owners/cars that can be rented in 2023/2024
From 25/08/2023 we will offer owners of BOTH an F150 EV and a Tesla CyberTruck the option to rent out your F150 EV (in 7-day blocks) to local clients and also allow them to ‘add’ 48hrs in the CyberTruck to the end of the rental from just $99 for ‘A/B testing’.
if you want to ‘invest’ your F150 EV - CLICK HERE and we can contact you when we have demand in your location!
^: Our aim is to have a ‘fleet’ of 100~200x F150 EV owners in the USA and Canada that EACH have one or more CyberTrucks that can rent any/all cars out via TURO - NOTE: we are NOT planning to run a new booking and payments platform in the USA in 2023 or 2024 - we expect Tesla FSD to operate in 2025 (or sooner) and we are working with a group on the best Tesla API plug-ins and accounting ‘software’ that will work ‘out of the box’ to run subscription fleets in the USA and Canada in 2024/2025 - for more info on how we see the subscription fleets and ‘profit sharing’ operate see our AU site:
the above ‘earn more than $2500 per month’ would assume you have both an F150 EV and at least one CyberTruck to offer for rentals - in the case that you rent the ‘pair’ for 27-days total per month, with a fee to the customer of $1279 + 99 *3 = $4,134 paid ‘to you’ via Turo, after Turo takes 10% and you pay us a ‘membership fee’ of $500 per month, your net is $3200 on a ‘full month’ and less in ‘off peak’ seasons.
Use the above ‘Book a Zoom call with Millin’ button if you want to be involved with the development and deployment of our service.
Our fleet:
What fleet size is F150LightningRentals.com and CyberTruckRentalsUSA.com aiming for in 2024?
A: We have two dozen reservations from 2019, we aim to execute ALL of these orders and then we will move to a ‘peer-to-peer’ model to further grow out the fleet.
2. Can I get evolved as a ‘car-sitter’?
A: Yes, CLICK-HERE for more info on this.
3. If I own a Tesla with FSD, can I become a ‘car-sitter’?
A: YES, Click-here to apply.
4. How will payment processing and your ‘app’ work?
A: At this time (2023/Q1-2024) we will only take payments via TURO listings. Pending our assessment of total market demand, in Q2-2024 we may launch a custom app for payments and bookings (TBD).
5. Why is CyberTruckRentalsUSA.com redirecting to ‘F150LightningRentals.com‘
A: in early 2024 we will launch a new web-site under ‘CyberTruckRentalsUSA.com‘, however, as you can see this site is a bit of a ‘mess’ and as such we are holding off launching the new site until we gauge demand for CyberTruck rentals and we will then set the budget for the development of the new site.
6. What will the ‘retail’ pricing and profit split be for Tesla owners that want to do ‘car-sitting’ for a CyberTruck?
A: if you own a 2020 Tesla Model Y with FSD worth $35k USD and we get you to ‘car sit’ a Dual-Motor CyberTruck (non FSD) worth $62,500 USD then the income for 2-weeks ‘mixed’ rental would be $2500 USD and the ‘split’ would be 50/50 (so you would get $1250 USD income from your car worth $35k) and in addition to this ‘better’ split ‘to you’, you also ‘profit’ by the fact you can drive our CyberTruck for FREE when your car is out on a rental.
7. What is the cost if I want to join as a ‘car sitter’?
A: at this time (29/09/2023) we are actively looking for car sitters and as such we are not currently charging a fee (we are doing a ‘manual’ vetting and approval process) - after we find our ‘core fleet’ of people, then the fee to join up as a car sitter may be $4,440 or $8,800 depending on location and local demand - NOTE: if you use my referral code:
to buy a Tesla, we may offer 50% off the ‘join’ fee to you also!
Confirmed 19/12/2024 - The ‘CyberBoat’ coming to Brisbane (Australia) in Late 2024^
Today it was confirmed on X that the CyberTruck will have the option for ‘boat’ mode to cross ~100M of water, as such we will be converting one of our two dozen early reservations to this type of CyberTuck and we will import this product as a boat to rent to people in SE-QLD on North Stradbroke Island - this will be rented for Xmas 2024 (^we hope) for a rate ‘from’ $2,699 per week (5pm Sunday to 5pm Sunday) - extra fees may apply to peak rental seasons - CLICK-HERE to pre-book a rental.
^: Note the insurance bond/excess will likely be $8,800 and the ‘expected’ first rental date will be 25/11/2024 subject to possible import delays, we will partition QLD Gov to allow this car to be used on the Beach however it will NOT have a RHD conversion in 2024 and as such street use will not be on offer in the early months of operations.